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Water wars break out as county pushes for authority
Avon town and village want different sources

Chapter III: Efforts at Reconciliation

At this time, under the new Burke administration, the Village of Avon still appeared quite willing to entertain the Hemlock option. While the previous Whitney administration was adamantly for the Conesus source only, new mayor Richard Burke took an objective stance. "The big concerns for the person at the end of the tap is that his water be reliable, good quality and affordable. He doesn't care where it comes from," Burke said.

By now the water issue was a matter of high interest. A joint meeting of village and town took place at the Avon school auditorium, reported July 4, 1996. A refreshing spirit of compromise was achieved. The town agreed to accept the village's new rate increase and both entities agreed to allow taps off their respective systems for a project in the other's territory. (That is, the town allowed the Tops Supermarket tap and the village allowed the Kemps Bus garage tap.)

As reported July 25, in "brutally intense" negotiations with the Water Authority, the Village of Avon insisted upon specific contract provisions guaranteeing water availability and price. The authority, under the advisement of consultant Paul Bringewatt, Supervisors' Chairman Dennis House, and County Administrator Dominic Mazza, refused to compromise, offering a 40 year 'standard' contract to the village.

In a dramatic scene, Chairman House demanded, "Are you going to take this or leave this?" and slammed his fist on the village board table. Mayor Burke stood up and answered, "I guess we'll be leaving it."

Back to Chapter 2: the First Shot is Fired

Forward to Chapter 4: Village Goes it Alone


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