What is PDDG?
Sunshine Week Statement
Local Law #2 of 2008

Newman FEIS Addendums

Alternate Route/Rt. 63
Alternate Route Time Study
Lima Road Traffic
Pedestrian Safety

Rt. 20A Capacity
Rt. 20A  Curb Cut

Addendums to the Addendums

No Access to Rt. 20A
Lima Road Traffic 2
Rt. 20A Capacity 2

Newman DEIS
Public Comments
Analysis of DEIS

Oneida Photo Album

PDDG vs. Kennison
Article 78 Petition
Records Sought
FOIL Opinion
PDDG's Final Demand
UK's Final Answer
Ruling on Missing Documents
Kennison Letter 5/2/07
PDDG memorandum of law
Kennison email of 12/13/05
John Zmich Affadavit
PDDG's requested order
Judge Taddeo's Decision
New Federal Rules

PDDG demands Newman withdrawal
New FOIL Request 7/11/07

Other Records
Cast of Characters
UK Billing Records
UK Bill Dec. 4 2004
Coniglio memo on PDD Law
Planning Board opposes PDD
Emails about Dec. 8, 2005
Lewis Gurley Letter
Case For Concept Rejection

Contribute to PDDG
PDDG Merchandise
Contact PDDG

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