Preserving Small Towns Print Archive
History of the Column
Print Columns by Bill
9.25.05 Tipping Point 10.6.05 Big Box Development 10.13.05 Economic Impact 10.20.05 Opposition to sprawl 10.27.05 There's no place like home! 11.17.05 Doing our job 12.1.05 Big Boxes not always bargain 12.8.05 Looking for breathing room 12.15.05 What I would've said to TB 12.22.05 The road ahead on Lowe's 1.19.06 Lowe's and local market 1.26.06 Big Boxes create displacement 2.2.06 Cashbox zoning poor land use 2.16.06 Main St. & Chain St. 3.16.06 A failing grade for 20A 3.30.06 A fool no longer? 4.13.06 Dispatches from the front 4.20.06 What to do about empty Big Boxes 4.27.06 Big Boxes built on cheap oil, labor 5.11.06 Never late to say no to sprawl 6.1.06 Geneseo: The beautiful valley 6.22.06 Case for rejection of PDD 6.29.06 20A: Case study in sprawl 7.6.06 Leveling the playing field 7.20.06 Getting hot around here! 8.10.06 Newman's interest for more 8.24.06 What just happened? 8.31.06 Our letter to Ron Hull 9.7.06 Talking/listening about Big Boxes 9.14.06 The word is spreading 9.21.06 Planning/zoning not for sissies 9.28.06 What exactly is smart growth? 10.5.06 Answers in wrong places 10.19.06 Leave nothing to chance 11.2.06 Ready to get in PDD game? 11.9.06 20A Bypass already here! 11.23.06 Loss of P&P blow to downtown 11.30.06 Barbarians at Gateway 12.7.06 Books for Xmas 12.14.06 Making lists, checking 2x 12.21.06 Wonderful life in Geneseo 1.4.07 Wisdom of the law 1.18.07 Tale of 3 Streets 1.25.07 Long winding road of SEQR 2.1.07 Never in LeRoy! 2.8.07 Real economic development 2.15.07 Reading the roadmap 2.22.07 Big Boxes, Social Capital 3.1.07 Anonymous calls & SLAPPs 3.8.07 Mysterious Mr. Lamb 3.15.07 FOILed by Project Team 3.22.07 Unfinished Business Current Column
Columns by others
11.3.05 Small Town Life --- by Kurt Cylke 10.10.05 Dangling on a precipice --- by Kathleen Houston Thomas 11.24.05 Questions for the boards --- by Mark Linton 12.29.05 Chili yes, Geneseo no? --- by Kurt Cylke 1.5.06 The more change, the more the same --- by Oliver Chanler 1.12.06 Wanting Geneseo preserved --- by Howard Jameson 2.9.06 Reflections of a refugee --- by Kurt Cylke 2.23.06 10 sins of retail sprawl --- by Al Norman 3.2.06 Realtor's view on development --- by Anonymous 3.9.06 Planned development debacle --- by Kurt Cylke 3.16.06 New resident's perspective --- by Ralph Massena 3.16.06 Governing but don't tell anyone --- by Phil Bracchi 4.6.06 PDD decision about values --- by Kurt Cylke 5.4.06 One nation, shopping at 1 store --- by Al Norman 5.18.06 Me & Sam --- by Lee Shanks 5.25.06 Myth of silent majority --- by Corby Gardner 6.8.06 Transportation professional view --- by Lewis Gurley 6.15.06 Transportation professional 2 --- by Lewis Gurley 7.13.06 Developer responds --- by Ken Kamlet 8.3.06 Lima citizens disappointed by TB --- by Martha Sempowski 8.17.06 Lessons from Master Plan --- by Patti Lavigne 10.12.06 Open letter to Lima citizens --- by Martha Sempowski